Called Forth To Serve

This week, we hear from Pastor Doug Hill, Abiding Hope Church in Littleton about why he serves with and supports Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains. 

In his final address to the disciples prior to his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus asserts, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40) This “last will and testament” of Jesus reveals his heart and calls us to be as passionate for “the least” as he is. Jesus understood that when we build relationships with and serve “the least”, not only are they blessed, but we also are blessed. Nothing fills us more than when we love and serve others. Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains takes Jesus’ words seriously as we seek to “walk with the vulnerable through services that heal, strengthen, and provide hope.” As members of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod, we are each called to participate in the important and necessary work of LFSRM. 

As a board member, I have had the privilege of participating personally in refugee resettlement, supporting foster families, walking alongside those going through the process of adoption, responding to people affected by disasters, and helping families to care for aging loved ones. Each time that my family and I have taken the time to get involved, we always say afterward, “We need to do more.” There’s something about serving and giving generously that transforms us for the better, that helps us to recognize that love, service and generosity is to be our way of life. 

I hope that you will take a look at the LFSRM website ( and the many programs and services that are provided. Identify a program or service that aligns with your heart and passion, make a commitment to get connected, give generously of your time and resources, and experience firsthand what loving and serving “the least” will do in your life. When we come together in a spirit of love and generosity, countless lives are changed…including our own. The risen Jesus has entrusted the care of his brothers and sisters to us. Jesus is counting on us to respond to this call in a passionate and bold way so that we and all people may experience real life in Jesus’ name.
